Willesden Jewish Cemetery is bursting with life

Come and discover the inspiring stories of generations buried here: hundreds of them were celebrities in their time, and many thousands more lived out their days beyond the glare of publicity.

Here are chief rabbis and politicians, baronets and businessmen, tailors and teachers. People who built a community, some who died too young. Some became household names; many deserve to be better known.

More than 50 people buried at Willesden are remembered in the cemetery’s Heritage Centre, in touch screen displays, information panels in the grounds and marked on our cemetery map.

Here we highlight just some people whose legacy touches us today.

Inspiring Lives

Do you have a story you’d like to share with us?

The House of Life is on a constant quest to uncover more about Willesden’s “residents”.

Our research has found its way into new exhibits. Our volunteer guides add it to their walking tours. Families have shared photographs, letters, family trees, eulogies and reminiscences with us. Do tell us about someone you would like to remember.