Willesden Jewish Cemetery in the media:

Huge congratulations to the House of Life Volunteers who won the Outstanding Volunteer Team of the Year Award 2024 by the Jewish Volunteering Network. Thank you to all volunteers who worked to make this happen – you really are ALL brilliant. Well deserved!

Read the full story here:



The New York Jewish Travel Guide and the Times of Israel published an article about Willesden Jewish Cemetery by Meyer Harroch, covering our history, some of the important people buried here and people currently involved in bringing the fascinating story of the Jewish Community to life. including our Head of Heritage Miriam Marson and volunteer Ingrid.

Read the full story here: https://newyorkjewishtravelguide.com/2024/06/27/willesden-jewish-cemetery-a-timeless-testament-to-londons-jewish-legacy/


On 1st July 2024 The Jewish Chronicle featured an article about our Memorial Restoration Workshops:


We are very grateful to our amazing volunteers, who worked tirelessly to restore the graves of babies and children in Willesden Jewish Cemetery, many of which were unnamed and have fallen into neglect.

We are now live! We have the honour of being the first Jewish and the first UK cemetery to be featured on the Bloomberg Connects app.

A big thank you to our dedicated team and volunteers for their hard work. You can now explore the heritage and history of Willesden Jewish Cemetery with our free digital guide Our guide improves your experience on site, before and after and takes you on a journey through an online exhibition, shares captivating stories from the cemetery, and offers a guided walk with exclusive insights from our experienced volunteers.

Find out more here: https://www.bloombergconnects.org/.
Download the app and search for Willesden Jewish Cemetery.

Read more in Jewish News:

The Writers' Retreat at Willesden Jewish Cemetery was a great success, with the participants enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, warm welcome and expert advice of Professor of Literature Nadia Valman. The article from the Jewish Chronicle shares the experience (November 2023).

Heritage Open Day: David Shilling at Willesden Jewish Cemetery features in the Jewish News:

Read about Death Café at Willesden Jewish Cemetery in the Jewish Chronicle: August 2023

Conservation & Heritage Journal, issue 29, Spring 2021

Jewish Renaissance, April 2021

Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 16.03.14.png

The Londonist, November 2020

The Londonist

 BBC Who Do you think you are magazine, October 2020

BBC Who Do you think you are magazine.jpg

The Independent 14 October 2020

Independent article
Autumn newsletter - Richard Griffiths Architects

Autumn newsletter - Richard Griffiths Architects

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Protecting the cemetery

Meet the Heritage team

Maintenance and Burials

Events and Activities