Behind closed gates, nature blooms. A coronavirus update


Owing to the coronavirus emergency the cemetery is currently closed to visitors except for funeral services.

Click below for a video showing how wild flowers have bloomed while the gates have been closed.

The “Big Reveal” of our new visitor experience is on pause for now. Until public visiting is allowed again, we’re sorry that we can’t welcome you in person. Hopefully, before too long you will be able to come into our new Visitor Centre, see our conserved buildings and memorials, and check how our new garden planting is growing.

While we all wait, we will be changing the way we do things. We plan to connect you to the amazing heritage of this place and its stories by other means. Many House of Life events will go online.

Watch this space for news of live events, virtual tours and recordings available from our website.

Catch this glimpse of wild flowers in Section QX filmed in May. These were sown by volunteers last year in our programme to trial new ways of looking after the burial landscape and promoting biodiversity.

tracy Fielding