Remembering at Willesden

On Sunday, 7th July, Willesden Jewish Cemetery welcomed members of AJEX (The Jewish Military Association), our volunteers and visitors for a special commemoration of the two World Wars. The day started with the Annual Special Service of Remembrance at the War Memorial, paying tribute to those who fought bravely and their sacrifices, in particular to those with no named grave. The Service, conducted by Rabbi Major Reuben Livingstone, was followed by wreath laying, speeches, poetry readings and prayers.

In the afternoon our volunteers led a guided walk, which illustrated the Jewish contribution to the two World Wars: soldiers who gave their lives for King and country, the first Jewish Chaplin to the Forces, nurses, someone who worked in munitions and a poet. Each story is unique, tragic or fascinating, offering a different insight into what life was like during the wars.

Throughout the day the House of Life Heritage Centre hosted a free exhibition of Trench Art, curated by military historian and our volunteer Stan Kaye. He was on hand to talk about a fascinating collection of shells and bullets, decorated by soldiers, who used a nail or a bayonet point to scratch names and dates. Some even had pictures or poems on them. Others were transformed into works of art or made into useful household tools by local people after the wars. Visitors had a unique opportunity to learn about and hold an object that is over 100 years old which caused death and destruction, as well as becoming a piece of art.

We are very grateful to AJEX and our volunteers who made this very special day such a moving and unique experience.

Photos by Stan Kaye.

More information on the AJEX website:

Vicky Proctor